Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fatima with Monty

I have been reading to Monty before going to bed.

Monty enjoyed his visit to Noah's house

I have really enjoyed Monty's stay with us, I have been really excited waiting for this moment.

We have had a lovely weekend with him and here are some pictures of us having fun!

Monty at home by the Christmas tree
 Monty at an Aeroplane Museum
  Monty at the Toulouse Christmas market

and Monty on a walk with our dog Belle.
We hope we haven't worn you out Monty and hope you can come and stay again.

Monty spend the weekend with Gracia

Monty had a busy weekend with Gracia. Click here to read her diary.

James P has Monty for the weekend

Here are some photos that we took of James' exciting weekend with Monty. I'm sure he'll tell you all about it and explain the photos. James said it was a shame Natalie wasn't on the photo with Monty but he has told her all about it over the phone. He was really proud to look after him and has been very well behaved all weekend. All 4 of us enjoyed taking Monty on our super day in Gorges de l'Aveyron today.As you can see, they had great fun playing with him on a park that we found after lunch. Enjoy the photos.